Our Hierarchs

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios
Our Clergy

Presiding Priest
Email: Fr. Ephraim
Fr. Ephraim Peters 64 is the pastor at St George Greek Orthodox Church in Keene, NH . He has served in various jurisdictions of the Eastern Orthodox Church throughout New England since his ordination to the deaconate in 1994. He has extensive involvement assisting families and individuals in crisis.
Fr. Ephraim, who goes by the name Donald in his secular work, is married to his wife Teresa and has two sons, in their late 30' s. In addition to his studies through the St Stephen's school of Orthodox Theology and Holy Cross Orthodox Seminary, he holds a Juris Doctor from Suffolk University. He has 39 years of legal experience, and was the recipient of the Massachusetts Bar Association Community Service Award and the St. Thomas More Society of Worcester County Bar Association Ecumenical Award.
Fr Ephraim has done extensive community service, including as pro bono legal council for the development of Holy Trinity Nursing Home, as President of Friendly House, which owns and operates a variety of social services including homeless shelters, battered women's transitional shelters, and elder care services.